Send your best CNY wishes and greetings to your loved ones with this app now!
通过此APP, 你可以立即向你的亲人与友人发送最好最美的农历新年祝福和问候卡!
Unable to spend the CNY with your family or friends due to distance or conflicting schedule? Or simply want to share all the CNY goodness and happiness to your loved ones? Download Chinese New Year Greeting and Wishes to access beautiful and meaningful CNY greeting cards. There is the option to download the CNY cards for your collection or to share them in social media and communication platform to your family and friends.
- Many beautiful, festive and high-quality CNY greetings cards to choose from
- Variety of CNY greeting cards either tailored to the year of Zodiac or written with well-meaning wishes to select and view
- One-click download of the greetings cards for own keep
- Easy and quick sharing to different social media platform to share the joy
- Pinch or double tap to zoom in / out to view the CNY cards clearer
- Tap left / right to view the next / previous CNY greetings cards easily
- Updated every year
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Absolutely FREE!!
- 许多美丽,喜庆和高品质的农历新年贺卡供选择
- 各种各样的农历新年贺卡,有十二生肖系列的贺卡,或写着满满诚意祝福语的贺卡供选择与参考
- 一键式下载贺卡,保存在机内
- 快速分享到不同的社交媒体平台,分享喜悦
- 捏或点击贺卡两次来放大贺卡
- 点击左右按钮来轻易跳换贺卡
- 每年都会更新
- 用户界面简单明了
- 最重要的是APP是免费的! !
- Some greeting cards have been designed using resources from freepik []
Download yours here!
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2020
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