Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, also known as the Advance Wars: Dark Conflict, is the fourth game in the Advance Wars game series, published on the Nintendo DS. Similar to the Fire Emblem series, the Advance Wars series are turn-based strategy games as well.
However, they are different in many ways, such as in Advance Wars, players control a Commanding Officer (CO) to fight the battle, whereas, in Fire Emblem, every unit is your character, which means that once they are killed in combat, they are gone forever. At least if you got money, you can still buy new units in Advance Wars to continue the battle.

Unlike any other games in the Advance Wars game series, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is very different from its past titles — throwing aside the more cartoonish side of the games, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin was intentionally developed to have a dark atmosphere and a much more serious tone of its storyline; you can easily tell that by looking at their graphics, colours and characters design.
Players who played the past 3 instalments of Advance Wars titles would have noticed that the storyline of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin has totally no link with the rest, while the past 3 titles actually have its storyline connected.

Basically, the story is based on a post-apocalyptic world after a meteor strike on earth. There were two nations in the fiction world, Rubinelle and Lazuria, which were having a war for a century before the meteor struck. The Rubinelle 12 Battalion, also known as the Brenner’s wolves, was led by Captain Brenner, arguably the most charismatic character in the game.

Following the storyline of the game, you will see how inspiring a person can be. You will see the change in the main protagonist of the game, Will, seeing how he grow from a mere civilian to becoming one of the greatest leaders in the game. The storyline is great.
Not forgetting the villain family which turns out to be a series of surprises. 😉

Try the game, it’s pretty awesome I would say. Perhaps next time I will blog about the past titles of Advance Wars which are on the Game Boy Advance (GBA) platform 😉
Get the game now on Nintendo DS!
Like this game? Try the Fire Emblem Series too:
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